Category Archives: College Life

The Beginning of the End

I mentioned earlier about the fact that I am a strategic communications major and the fact that I still haven’t quite figured out what it is that I want to do. So how do you solve this problem? Most professionals say internships are the way to decide. Internship– scary word, right? At least for me it is. If you’re anything like my friends and I, applying for jobs means its “time to grow up.” Not to mention, writing essays and creating a cover letter and resume is not how I imagine spending my weekends.

So how do you muster up the motivation to create your resume, write a cover letter, and actually search for these internships? Let’s get real, I am still trying to figure that out. But here’s where I started:

Get familiar with Google– Searching for the internship might actually be the easiest step. For the most part, you have to know who to talk to and what to Google. With various Google attempts, you may find helpful (and obvious) websites like Internmatch, Internships, and Summerinternships. These websites will ask for your major and what kind of internship you are looking for. Aside from Google, your university should have a “hire our students” website that should help you out as well.

Creating the resume– Failure to keep up with a resume may be detrimental to the application process. Trying to remember what jobs you’ve obtained and the details to go along with them will make you want to pull your hair out. This is why it is important to keep up with these things. By doing this, you will only have to update your resume instead of creating a whole resume from scratch. Also, don’t be afraid of the formatting. There are plenty of free templates and examples online.

The cover letter– Ohhh the cover letter. This was the one I struggled with the most. Most people say that the cover letter will make or break you. Apparently employers only spend about 2 minutes skimming your resume but they do read your cover letter. So no pressure. The cover letter actually is not that bad. There are plenty of formatting examples and templates online.

Applying for internships can be frustrating, and quite frankly scary as hell. I don’t know about you, but I enjoy not having to pay my bills (thank you Mom and Dad) and the occasional “class canceled” email. But there is a time for everything and unfortunately we have to grow-up sometime and these internships seem to be the beginning of the end, but I guess you have to start somewhere, right?

Hey, it’s me. Jaclyn.

So I’m going to start off by introducing myself. My name is Jaclyn and I am a Sophomore at Oklahoma State University. I am a strategic communications major, and I have no idea what I want to do with my life. I feel like most students at this age struggle with the same dilemmas, which is why I have decided to make my blog about being an undergrad.

Honestly, if I could choose, I would be 21 and in college for the rest of my life. This is probably the going to be the highlight of our lives, let’s get real. We have the privileges of adults but we still get to act like kids..most of the time. So why not document this? Through this blog I will probably cover the non-existence of dead week, the stress of finals week, and all of the weekends before those two weeks that we just blow-off.

Being in college has it’s ups and downs and I hope to cover all of bare with me. With that said, I am a girl in her twenties..and I am in a sorority so I am going to apologize ahead of time if you think this blog will be over global warming, saving the animals, or about the up coming presidential race (I’ve posted some links for those topics if you so chose to redirect to more intellectual topics). But don’t fret, I have better things to talk about than “the perfect hue of nail polish”. I am simply going to use this blog to bring out the simple things of college life that both guys and girls may relate with. Mainly girls, but I feel like most guys struggle too. Don’t deny it boys, we know you struggle.


The links I promised..